Our mission is to safely provide athletics and mentor-ship for all by empowering youth through sports and organized engagement.

“Growing up as a child, I lost a lot of friends and family members to senseless violence. I made it a priority to myself that I would do my best in making my community a much safer and better place. I knew it started with giving our youth a purpose and helping them aspire to achieve something in life.”

- Byron Burt, CEO of Up Next Athletics


Our approach is inspiring the youth through sports, leadership, mentorship, and volunteering. We believe in creating a path way that will lead to success! Providing our youth with college information, entrepreneur experience and information is key. We want our kids to expand their network and meet new people that live outside of their world by taking trips and new adventures.


We center our participants around key life lessons by allowing them to learn on the go and speak their mind intellectually. In order to become a leader, you must learn to think for yourself. We teach our youth that being comfortable with being uncomfortable is a key attribute in sports and life and ultimately leads to success.


Providing our youth with guidance is important to our organization. We make sure to present ourselves appropriately and hold them accountable for the same expectations. The way we display ourselves is always positive. We hope to spread the positive vibes through the community. We always teach our youth to see the positive of any situation, it will on better prepare them when dealing with adversity in life.


We make sure we emphasize the importance of giving back to those less fortunate then you. Teaching our youth that always lending a helping hand is another key attribute to success, peace, and fulfillment in your life.